Sunday, March 30, 2008

What my daughter can do!

I'm so proud of her! She made this this weekend! She even learned a little bead crochet.

Happy Smiley Dari with a beautiful necklace

Close-up of necklace

This necklace turned out so well! We're going to add beads in the unused hole on the bottom so she learns a little wire wrapping. I'll be posting more of her projects because she's so excited she wants to do more.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Chain Maille Prototype Revisited

I've created another in silver toned wire this time, and constructed the Byzantine correctly *blush*. I'll be adding in the hematite as before, and the strap will be knitted leather instead of kumihimo.

I've created a second one in silver as well, in the middle I will be adding an aqua blue swirly glass drop. For the strap I'll be using varigated cotton embroidery thread in a matching color to the drop knitted into i-cord. If it turns out nicely I might replicate it over using hardware pieces so watch my Hardware Store Beauty blog.

Monday, February 11, 2008

When life hands you lemons...

Billy Must Die!
..toss them into the Theraflu.

I got sick just before Christmas. It got worse when I tried to go into work the rest of the week before the New Year. I think I had walking pneumonia. I was freakin miserable. So prezzies I wanted to get done went on hold. I figure I'll give them now for birthdays. Believe me people they would have been awesome.

I'm expanding my jute baskets and attempting to dye some jute fiber. I also want to try different shapes.

I'm also working on my version of a Billy doll. If you don't play Everquest II, then you won't know about the joy's of Billy.

Friday, November 30, 2007


The prezzies are coming along nicely. I've completed a wire-wrap pendant of stained glass with a tutorial from Eni Oken. She so rocks! Now that the pendant is done, I'm loading up the beads needed to make the crochet strap onto some DMC gold thread.

I got my jeweler's saw in the mail and tried it out within 5 minutes of opening the package. I love it. I can't wait to get some good silver wire to make chain rings. I even scored a bench vise to use with it.

In between work, being a mom, playing EQ2, and beading, I've been crocheting a basket out of jute twine from Lowe's. It turned out so awesome. I'm very proud of it and have decided to offer some in my Etsy shop when I can take pictures of it.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My first...

I got an item into Etsy today. I'm so excited. Check it out here. I made the pendants (I'm only selling one right now to see how it goes) a couple of years ago, they got packed and shuffled around in my craft room during "organization" trips. I got them out yesterday and glossed them. When I first made them I didn't think they were all that great. Now I think they're awesome. Later this month, I'll make some in copper and gold.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Chain Maille Prototype

In my quest to start making Christmas/Solstice Prezzies early, I've made this prototype for a necklace. It's not going to be entirely chain maille. This is just the pendant part. The "chain" will be a leather cord. I'm going to Kumihimo the cord for it, using brown and black leather cords. I think it's going to be awesome.

I made this in copper wire, though I think the end result will be in Silver.

It begins...

I've started this blog to showcase my crafty side. I figure its a good idea to separate out my crafting from my web stuff...even though I'm intending on doing it professionally. I'll be adding links in to stuff I love. I might even change up some of the design to fit me (when I have the chance).