Friday, November 30, 2007


The prezzies are coming along nicely. I've completed a wire-wrap pendant of stained glass with a tutorial from Eni Oken. She so rocks! Now that the pendant is done, I'm loading up the beads needed to make the crochet strap onto some DMC gold thread.

I got my jeweler's saw in the mail and tried it out within 5 minutes of opening the package. I love it. I can't wait to get some good silver wire to make chain rings. I even scored a bench vise to use with it.

In between work, being a mom, playing EQ2, and beading, I've been crocheting a basket out of jute twine from Lowe's. It turned out so awesome. I'm very proud of it and have decided to offer some in my Etsy shop when I can take pictures of it.

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